Conceptual, Historical & Anthropologic Anatomy


The Viennese dissection course - a model for Habsburg medical teaching (1787-1848)
Bauer S, Schaukal L,
Weninger WJ
WIKLIWO (2024) online ahead of print

Anatomical departments of the university of Vienna, Krakow, and Lviv - a shared history and present
Pidvalna U, Schaukal L, Bauer S, Gryglewski RW, Weninger WJ, Mateshuk-Vatseba L
Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Medical Sciences (2024): 2 (76): 1-3

Henryk Kadyi and the formation of the medical faculty of the Lviv University (1894-1912) - a short introduction
Pidvalna U, Schaukal L, Bauer S, Gryglewski RW, Gudyma Y, Weninger WJ, Mateshuk-Vatseba L
Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Medical Sciences (2024): (73): 1-5

Characterization, number, and spatial organization of nerve fibers in the human cervical vagus nerve and its superior cardiac branch
Kronsteiner B, Carrero-Rojas, Reissig LF, Moghaddam AS, Schwendt KM, Gerges S, Maierhofer U, Aszmann OC, Pastor AM, Kiss A, Podesser BK, Birkfellner W, Moscato F, Blumer R, Weninger WJ
Brain Stimul (2024), 17: 510-524

Arterio-venous anastomoses of the Sucquet-Hoyer type: complexity and distirbution in the human dermis
Moghaddam AS; Reissig LF, Geyer SH, Weninger WJ
Micrsco Microanal (2024), 30: 334-341

2022 & 23

Anatomy of the cranial nerves: Novel concepts and traditional descriptions
Weninger WJ, Hainfellner A
in "The cranial nerves in Neurology", ed. Griesold A, Struhal W, Griesold W(2023) pp 3-29

Brillouin scattering spectroscopy for studying human anatomy: Towards in situ mechanical characterisation of soft tissue
Pruidze P, Chayleva E, Weninger WJ, Elsayad K
J Eur Opt Society-Rapid Publ (2023), 19: 31

The influence of censorship laws on Viennese anatomy textbooks from the outgoing 18th century until after the student revolution of 1848 in Austrian absolutism
Bauer S, Schaukal LM, Weninger WJ
Ann Anat (2023), 250:152129

Kerner AM, Biedermann U, Bräuer L,.....Weninger WJ, Westermann J, Weyers I, Waschke J, Hammer N
The chemicals between us - first results of the cluster analyses on anatomy embalming procedures in the German-speaking countries
Anat Sci Educ (2023), 16: 814-829 

Anatomic basics and technical approaches: sacral preauricular extensions, praeauricular sulci and dorsal pubic pits in modern anatomical specimens
Maurer-Gesek B, Pany-Kucera D, Spanal-Steiner M, Argeny S, Gruber J, Müller C, Nedomansky J, Meng S, Maier A, Weninger WJ
Anthropol Anz (2022) 79: 199-209

Sacral preauricular extensions and notches as part of a "Pelvic Pattern" may provide information on past pregnancies and partuitions
Pany-Kucera, Spanagl-Steiner M. Maurer-Gesek B, Weninger WJ, Rehay-Salisbury K
Anthropol Anz (2022) 79: 183-198 

2020 & 21

What should be done with Pernkopf's anatomical illustrations? A commentary from the Medical University of Vienna
Czech H, Druml C, Weninger WJ, Müller M
Journal of Biocommunication (2021), 45: 145-151

No functional TRPA1 in cardiomyocytes
Hoebart C, Rojas-Galvan NS, Ciotu CI, Aykac I, Reissig LF, Weninger WJ, Kiss A, Podesser BK, Fischer MJM, Heber S
Acta Physiol (2021), 232: e13659

Anatomic basics and technical approaches: sacral preauricular extensions, praeauricular sulciu and dorsal pubic pits in modern anatomical specimens
Maurer-Gesek B, Pany-Kucera D, Spanal-Steiner M, Argeny S, Gruber J, Müller C, Nedomansky J, Meng S, Maier A, Weninger WJ
Anthropol Anz (2021) online ahead of print

A histological comparison of nun-human rib models suited for sharp force traum analysis
Waltenberger L, Beitel S, Benecker B, Heimel P, Weninger W, Kanz F
Forensic Sci Int (2021) 319:110661

Anatomy of the facial nerve
Heber UM, Weninger WJ
in Facial Palsy: Techniques for reanimation of the paralysed face (2021) pp71-78

2018 & 19

Sacral preauricular extensions, notches, and corresponding iliac changes: New terms and the proposal of a recording system
Pany-Kucera D, Spannagl-Steiner M, Argeny S, Maurer-Gesek B, Weninger WJ, Rebay-Salisbury K
Int J Osteoarcheol (2019), 29:1013-1021

2016 & 17

A staging system for correct phenotype interpretation of mouse embryos harvested on embryonic day 14 (E14.5)
Geyer SH, Reissig L, Rose J, Wilson R, Prin F, Szumska D, Ramirez-Solis R, Tudor C, White J, Mohun TJ, Weninger WJ
J Anat (2017), 230: 710-719

The dynamic anatomy and patterning of skin
Wong R, Geyer S, Weninger WJ, Guimberteau JC, Wong J
Exp Dermatol (2016) 25: 92-98

Deciphering the mechanisms of developmental disorders: phenotype analysis of embryos from mutant mouse lines
Wilson R, McGuire C, Mohun T, Adams D, Maldock R, Bhattacharya S, Collins J, Fineberg E, Firminger L, Galli A, Geyer S, Grifiths M, Hassan A, Hemberger M, Huart C, Melvin D, Prin F, Ramirez-Solis R, Reissig L, Robertson E, Rose J, Schneider J, Smith J, Szumska D, Tudor C, Vernet A, Weninger W, White J
Nucleic Acids Res (2016), 44(D1): D855-861

2012 & 13

Deciphering the mechanisms of developmental disorders (DMDD): a new programme for phenotyping embryonic lethal mice
Mohun T, Adams TJ, Baldock R, Bhattacharya S, Copp AJ, Hemberger M, Houart C, Hurles ME, Robertson E, Smith JC, Weaver T, Weninger W
Dis Model Mech (2013) 6: 562-566

The use of Keratinozytes: Things we should keep in mind
Moghaddam AS, Kamolz LP, Weninger W, Parvizi D, Wiedner M, Lumenta DB
Eur Surg (2013) 45: 154-160

Flesh and Blood
Nöhammer M, Geyer SH, Weninger WJ
Cell, CellPictureShow_Skin (2012)

Models in researching cardiovascular morphogenesis
Weninger WJ, Geyer SH
Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today (2012) 96: 163-175

2004 & 05

From experimental imaging techniques to virtual Embryology
Weninger WJ
, Tassy O, Darras S, Geyer SH, Thieffry D
Hist Phil Life Sci (2004) 26: 355-375                                    

2002 & 03

Morphology and functional anatomy of the growing thorax
Weninger WJ
, Meng S, Geyer SH, Weninger SUG
Radiologe (2003) 43: 1036-1044