Selected Scientific Poster
(Abstracts published in proceedings or scientific journals)
Meng S., Weninger W.J., Streicher J., Müller G.B.
EPI-3D: Testing a new 3D-reconstruction method
93. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Greifswald, Germany (1998)
Ann Anat Suppl (1998), 180: 148-149
Meng S., Weninger W.J., Streicher J., Müller G.B.
The Epi-3D reconstruction method
20. Alpenländisches Anatomentreffen, Kötschach-Mauthen, Austria (1998)
Ann Anat (1999) 181: 149
Streicher J., Donat M.A., Weninger W.J., Müller G.B.
External Marker-based Automatic Congruencing (EMAC): A new concept for computer-based 3D-reconstruction from serial sections
93. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Greifswald, Germany (1998)
Ann Anat Suppl (1998) 180: 186-187
Weninger W.J., Meng S., Strauss B., Müller G.B.
Resin embedding improves the rapid EPI-3D reconstruction method
94. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Hamburg, Germany (1999)
Ann Anat Suppl (1999) 181: 189
Streicher J., Donat, M.A., Weninger W.J., Strauss B., Müller G.B.
D-visualization of morphological structures and gene expression patterns in development
7th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona, Spain (1999)
Ital J Anat Embryol 104 Supp1 (1999): 678
Donat M.A., Streicher J., Weninger W.J., Müller G.B.
Automatic congruencing of multiple-stained microscopical sections for 3D-reconstruction
XV Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists, Rom, Italy (1999)
Ital J Anat Embryol 104 Supp1 (1999): 158
Pramhas D., Weninger W.J.
The pterygopalatine compartment and the parasellar adipose body in adults
XV Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists, Rom, Italy (1999)
Ital J Anat Embryol 104 Supp1 (1999): 567
Meng S., Weninger W.J., Strauss B., Rabl S.U., Streicher J., Müller G.B.
EPI-3D: Improvements of the method and embryological applications
XV Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists, Rom, Italy (1999)
Ital J Anat Embryol 104 Suppl (1999): 453
Streicher J., Donat M.A., Weninger W.J., Strauss B., Müller G.B.
Digital 3D-visualization of multi-modal datasets in sectional microscopy.
5th International Weber Symposium, Hawai, USA (1999)
Meng S., Weninger W.J., Weninger S.U., Müller G.B., Reiter C.
Location and extension of itima cushions in the infant parasellar carotid artery
Tripartite Meeting "Anatomy 2000", Cambridge, UK (2000)
Ann Anat Suppl 182 (2000): 78; J Anat 198 (2001): 362
Meng S., Weninger W.J., Streicher J., Müller G.B.
Epi-3D: Applications in vascular research
AVBO 2000 Wien, Austria (2000)
Meng S., Weninger W.J., Weninger S.U., Reiter C., Müller G.B.
Intimal cushions in the infant parasellar carotid artery
AVBO 2000 Wien, Austria (2000)
Weninger W.J., Mohun T.J.
A rapid 3D-screening method based on Episcopic Fluorescence Imaging Capturing
14th International Congress of Developmental Biology, Kyoto, Japan (2001)
Streicher J., Truong T.T.P, Strauss B., Donat M.A., Weninger W.J., Meng S., Müller G.B.
Computer-based 4D-reconstruction and analysis of morphogenetic processes
97. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Halle, Germany (2002)
Ann Anat Suppl 184 (2002): 140
Szawlowski P.J., Neumann F., Fleischmann D., Weninger W.J., Karch R., Neumann M., Schreiner W.; Individual Coronary Artery Models for hemodynamic simulations
EMBEC 2002, Vienna (2002)
Meng S., Geyer S.H., Reiter C., Weninger W.J.
SIDS und die Morphologie der Arteria carotis interna
Jahrestagung der Österr. Angiolog. Gesellschaft und der AVBO, Wien (2003)
J Kardiol 10 (Suppl H) (2003): 18
Weninger W.J., Geyer S.H., Mohun T.J.;
EFIC: A new tool in vascular research
Jahrestagung der Österr. Angiolog. Gesellschaft und der AVBO, Wien (2003)
J Kardiol 10 (Suppl H): (2003) 14
Geyer S., Mohun T.J., Weninger W.J.
Using EFIC for rapid 3D-analysis of transgene expression patterns
99. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Vienna (2004)
Ann Anat 186 Suppl. (2004): 103
Dorfmeister K., Geyer S.H., Meng S., Knapp M., Kanitsar A., Gröller E., Mohun T.J., Weninger W.J.
Testing EFIC: reconstruction of detailed 3D models of developing organ systems
99. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Vienna (2004)
Ann Anat 186 Suppl. (2004): 93
Meng S., Walpoth V.S., Geyer S.H., Weninger W.J.
Praxisorientierter Anatomieunterricht in der Physiotherapieausbildung
Arbeitstagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Würzburg (2004)
Ann Anat 187 suppl. (2005) 282
Sattler S.J., Meng S., Weninger W.J.
Morphologie eines bilateralen Achselbogens
Arbeitstagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Würzburg (2004)
Ann Anat 187 Suppl. (2005): 294-295
Costa, L.F.; Viana, M.P.; Weninger, W. Meng, S.
Automated Analysis of Artery Geometry
International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Rio de Janeiro (2004)
Maurer B.M., Geyer S.H., Kanitsar A., Knapp M., Weninger W.J.
3D reconstruction and morphometrie of the aortic arch artery system of chick embryos
100. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Leipzig (2005)
Ann Anat 187 Suppl. (2005): 139
Gruber G.M., Dorfmeister K., Geyer S.H., Kanitsar A., Weninger W.J.
3D reconstruction and morphometrie of the pharyngeal (aortic) arch artery system of early mouse fetuses
100. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Leipzig (2005)
Ann Anat 187 Suppl. (2005): 105
Meng S., Prokop M., Weninger W.J.
Topographical analysis of adipose tissue at the orbital apex and superior orbital fissure
101. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Freiburg (2006)
Weninger W.J., Prokop M., Meng S.
CT examination of the compartments of the parasellar region
101. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Freiburg (2006)
Weninger W.J., Geyer S.H.
High resolution episcopic microscopy (HREM): A new tool in cardiovascular research
European Cardiovascular Development and Pathology Meeting, Mijas (2006)
Geyer S.H., Müller G.B., Mohun T., Rasskin-Guttman D., Costa LdaF, Weninger W.J.
Applications for high resolution episcopiuc microscopy (HREM)
European Cardiovascular Development and Pathology Meeting, Mijas (2006)
Maurer B., Geyer S., Weninger W.J.
Morphometry of the semilunar valves in chick embryos of HH34
103. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck (2008)
Zendron B., Maurer B., Geyer S., Weninger W.J.
Dimensions of the semilunar valves of mouse embryos of Theiler stage 22
103. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck (2008)
Nam K., Geyer S., Weninger W.J.
Distribution and three-dimensional appearance of the interstitial cells of Cajal in the rat stomach and duodenum
103. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck (2008)
Dorfmeister K., Weninger W.J.
3D visualisation of HREM data
103. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck (2008)
Sattler S.J., Meng S., Geyer S., Costa L da F, Weninger W.J.
Complexity of the parasellar internal carotid artery
103. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck (2008)
Zendron B., Geyer S.H., Maurer B., Dorfmeister K., Weninger W.J.
Measuring the diameter of embryonic arteries: reproducibility and significance
Bi-annual meeting of the working group on developmental anatomy and pathology, Bari (2008)
Maurer B., Geyer S.H., Weninger W.J.
Dimensions of the aorta, pulmonary trunk, and semilunar valves in HH34 chick embryos
Bi-annual meeting of the working group on developmental anatomy and pathology, Bari (2008)
Maurer B., Geyer S., Weninger W.J.
A case of conjoined cephalothoracopagus twinning in a chick embryo HH30. Morphology and morphometry of cardiovascular structures
105th annual meeting of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, Hamburg (2010)
Dorfmeister K., Schmid S., Geyer S., Weninger W.J.
EFIC and HREM: comparing two episcopic 3D-volume data generation techniques
105th annual meeting of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, Hamburg (2010)
Geyer S.H., Maurer B. , Friedl A., Reumann E., Mohun T.J., Weninger W.J.
The great intrathoracal arteries of early wild type OF1, Parkes, and C57Bl/6 mouse fetus
Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference, Amsterdam (2010)
Wilson R., Weninger W.J., Bhattacharya S., Mohun T.
Imaging early development by High Resolution Episcopic Microscopy
Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference, Amsterdam (2010)
Maurer B., Geyer S.H., Pötz L., Singh J., Weninger W.J.
Evaluating a novel procedure for measuring the diameters of the great intrathoracal arteries of mouse embryos
Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference, Amsterdam (2010)
Maurer B., Geyer S.H., Mohun T.J., Weninger W.J.
Comparing the dimensions of the great intrathoracic arteries of early OF1, Parkes and C57Bl6 mouse fetuses.
Microscopy Conference 2011, Kiel (2011)
Geyer S.H., Dorn M., Maurer B., Weninger W.J.
Detecting the 5th pair of pharyngeal arch arteries in mouse embryos by employing high resolution episcopic microscopy
Microscopy Conference 2011, Kiel (2011)
Geyer S.H. Maurer B., Zendron B., Weninger W.J.
Double lumen aortic arch malformation in a mouse fetus
107. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Frankfurt (2012)
Geyer S.H., Dorn M., Maurer B., Weninger W.J.
Mouse embryos do develop a 5th pair of pharyngeal arch arteries
107.Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Frankfurt (2012)
Maurer B., Geyer S.H., Hieslmair G., Weninger W.J.
Dimensions of the great intrathoracic arteries of chick embryos after the establishment of teh definitive in ovo circulation
107. Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Frankfurt (2012)
Maurer B., Geyer S.H., Dorfmeister K., Weninger W.J.
Virtual three-dimensional analysis of a deradelphous chick embryo leads to a new hypothesis for explaining the genesis of this malformation
54th Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry, Vienna (2012)
Geyer S.H., Maurer B., Zendron B., Weninger W.J.
A mouse fetus with a double lumen aortic arch malformation
Weinstein Conference, Chicago (2012)
Weninger W.J., Dorn M., Maurer B., Geyer S.H.
Mouse embryos feature a 5th pair of pharyngeal arch arteries
Weinstein Conference, Chicago (2012)
Maurer B., Geyer S.H., Dorfmeister K., Weninger W.J.
The phenotype of the pharyngeal arch arteries defines a new type of cephalothoracopagus embryos
Weinstein Conference, Chicago (2012)
Nöhammer M.M., Busch C., Maurer B., Dorfmeister K., Geyer S.H., Weninger W.J.
High resolution episcopic microscopy (HREM) for visualising dermal blood vessels
108th Meeting of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, Magdeburg (2013)
Maurer B., Geyer S.H., Meng S., Dorfmeister K., Weninger W.
A two-headed (biceps) sartorius muscle in a male cadaver
1st Paneuropean Meeting of Anatomists, Graz (2013)
Meng S., Tinhofer I., Weninger W.J., Grisold W.
The superficial branch of the radial nerve - US guided perineural infiltration with anatomical correlation
ÖGN-Jahrestagung, Salzburg (2014)
Meng S., Tinhofer I., Weninger W.J., Grisold W.
The superficial branch of the radial nerve - US guided perineural infiltration with anatomical correlation
3rd International Conference & Course on Neuromuscular Ultrasound, Wien (2014)
Szumska D., Geyer S., Wilson R., Thornton V., Johnson S., Teboul L., Schneider J., Weninger W., Battacharya S., Mohun T.
High throughput, high resolution tools for phenotyping mouse embryos in deciphering mouse developmental disorders
Weinstein Meeting, Madrid (2014)
Maurer B., Muratovic A., Weninger W.J.
3D analysis of the cardiovascular moprhogenesis in chick embryos HH16-HH19
International Microscopy Congresss (IMC), Prag (2014)
Reissig LF., Mathä M.J., Geyer S.H., Weninger W.J.
Dermal arteries of the nailfold of the human thumb
109. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Salzburg (2014)
Maurer B., Wlodek, Weninger W.J.
Abnormal topology of the right phrenic nerve in an individual with cardiovascular malformations
109. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Salzburg (2014)
Meng S., Reissig LF., Tinhofer I., Grisold W., Weninger W.J.
Superficial branch of the radial nerve - anatomical correlation to US guided perineural infiltration
109. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Salzburg (2014)
Mathä M.J., Reissig L.F., Hechinger S.J., Geyer S.H.; Weninger W.J.
Dermal arteries of the index finger
109. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Salzburg (2014)
Geyer S.H., Nöhammer M.M., Tinhofer I.E., Weninger W.J.
Vascular units in the human thumb pad
109. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Salzburg (2014)
Wu C, Meng K, Tzou C, Wang Y, Meng S, Weninger W
Establishment of an In-vivo animal model for disease related surgical procedures and analyses of their impacts on laryngeal functions in mini-pigs with unilateral vocal fold paralysis
Congress of Asia Pacific Thyroid Surgery, Seoul (Nov. 2015)
Reissig L, Meng S, Tzou C, Meng K, Grisold W, Weninger W
Accessing the hypoglossal nerve with ultrasound - visualising the topology in body donators and healthy volunteers and diagnosing pathologies in a clinical setting
110. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Würzburg (2015)
Geyer S, Tinhofer I, Hejkrlik W, Lumenta D, Kamolz L, Weninger W
Visualising neovascularisation and tissue architecture of skin replacement materials and healing skin wounds
110. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Würzburg (2015)
Tinhofer I, Reissig L, Weninger W, Grisold W, Meng S
Ultrasound and anatomical correlation of the radial nerve at the arcade of Frohse
110. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Würzburg (2015)
Reissig L, Geyer S, Rose J, Mohun T, Wilson R, Adams D, Weninger W
Visualisation of subtle phenotype abnormalities of prenatally lethal mouse embryos produced in the DMDD project
110. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Würzburg (2015)
Hejkrlik W, Geyer S, Tinhofer I, Kamolz L, Lumenta D, Weninger W
Three dimensional vizualisation and analysis of the revascularisation of skin grafts - a pilot study
110. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Würzburg (2015)
Reissig LF, Beikircher R, Tzou CHJ, Hamscha U, Grisold W, Weninger WJ, Meng S
Ultrasound evaluation of conventional and newly designed maneuvers for provoking longitudinal gliding of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel - an anatomical study
111. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen (2016)
Hamscha U, Tinhofer I, Reissig L, Grisold W, Weninger W, Meng S
US-guided perineural injection at the ulnar tunnel
111. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen (2016)
Maurer-Gesek B, Geyer SH, Weninger WJ
High Resolution Episcopic Microscopy (HREM) - an efficien method for analysing chick embryos
111. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen (2016)
Günther J, Geyer S, Lang-Olip I, Fuchs, J, Pichlsberger M, Parvizi D, Kamolz L, Weninger W
High resolution episcopic microscopy (HREM) as a tool for imaging mouse skin in a wound-healing model
111. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen (2016)
Maurer-Gesek B, Geyer SH, Weninger WJ
High Resolution Episcopic Microscopy (HREM) for analysing chick embryos
Joint Conference EAVA & WHAVM, Vienna (2016)
Geyer SH, Reissig L, Rose J, Szumska D, Wilson R, Mohun T, Weninger WJ
Phenotyping mouse embryos in the Deciphering the mechanisms of developmental disorders" (DMDD) project
16th International ELMI Meeting, Debrecen (2016)
Geyer S, Weninger W
High resolution episcopic microscopy (HREM): a tool for 3D imaigng of organic materials
7th ASEM Workshop "Advance Electron Microscopy", Wien (2017)
Maurer-Gesek B, Geyer SH, Reissig L, Szumska D, Rose J, Ramirez-Solis R, Galli A, Tudor C, Icoresi Mazzeo C, Tuck E, White J, Wilson R, McGuire C, Prin F, Mohun TJ, Weninger WJ
Eye abnormalities in 70 genetically engineered mouse lines of the DMDD programme
112th Annual Meeting Anatomische Gesellschaft, Würzburg (2017)
Reissig L, Stockinger M, Maurer-Gesek B, Weninger W, Humenberger M
Anatomical evaluation of the risk of common peroneal nerve injury in intramdeullar tibial nailing
112th Annual Meeting Anatomische Gesellschaft, Würzburg (2017)
Hamscha UM, Meng S, Reissig LF, Steinbacher J, Moussa M, Grisold W, Weninger WJ
Sonographic diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome by calculating ratios of cross sectional areas of the median nerve
112th Annual Meeting Anatomische Gesellschaft, Würzburg (2017)
Tinhofer I, Hirtler L, Reissig L, Zaussinger M, Meng S, Tzou j CH, Kamolz LP, Weninger WJ
Dynamic visualisation of skin angiosomes
112th Annual Meeting Anatomiche Gesellschaft, Würzburg (2017)
Geyer SH, Reissig L, Rose J, Wilson R, Prin F, Szumska D, Ramirez-Solis R, Tudor C, White J, Mohun TJ, Weninger WJ
Staging mouse embryos harvested on embryonic day 14 (E14.5)
BSCB/BSDB/Genetics Society Joint Spring Meeting, Warwick (2017)
Geyer SH, Reissig L, Rose J, Wilson R, Prin F, Szumska D, Ramirez-Solis R, Tudor C, White J, Mohun TJ, Weninger WJ
Staging E14.5 mouse embryos
112th Annual Meeting Anatomische Gesellschaft, Würzburg (2017)
Herdina AN, Reissig L, Geyer SH, Preineder E, Weninger WJ
Differences in morphology and topology of the cranial nerves of genetically normal and modified mouse embryos harvested at E14.5
10th Imaging in the Life Sciences Meeting (2018), Wien
Reissig LF, Geyer SH, Rose J, Mohun TJ, Wilson R, Weninger WJ
Visualisation of subtle phenptype abnormalities of prenatally lethal mouse embryos
1st MIC Festival (2018), Wien
Rose J, Geyer SH, Reissig L, Wilson R, Prin F, Szumska D, Ramirez-Solis R, Tudor C, White J, Mohun TJ, Weninger WJ
Staging mouse embryos harversted on embryonic day 14 (E14.5)
1st MIC Festival (2018), Wien
(selected Poster-Presetation & awareded as best Poster)
Geyer SH, Weninger WJ
High-resolution episcopic microscopy (HREM): a tool for 3D imgaing of organic materials
1st MIC Festival (2018), Wien
Zaussinger M, Tinhofer IE, Hamscha U, Meng S, Weninger WJ, Pollhammer MS, Huemer GM, Schmidt M
A head to head comparison of the vascular basis of the TMG, PAP and SOP01 FCI aps - an anatomical study
10th anniversary of teh European Plastic Surgery Research Council (2018), Hamburg
Reissig L, Albrecht L, Quadelbauer S, Klikovics J, Weninger WJ, Kaipel M
Evaluation of soft tissue damage during minimal invasive hallux valgus surgery - an anatomical study
10th anniversary of teh European Plastic Surgery Research Council (2018), Hamburg
Seyedian Moghaddam A, Geyer SH, Reissig LF, Weninger WJ
Intgerating HREM in multimodal imaging pipelines
ViCEM Meeting (2019), Wien & selected short presentation
Reissig LF, Geyer SH, Weninger WJ
Dermal arteries of the nailfold of the human thumb
MIC Festival (2019), Wien
Geyer S, Maurer-Gesek B, Reissig L. Rose J, Prin F, Wilson R, Adams D, Mohun T, Weninger W
The venous system of E14.5 mouse embryos - reference data and examples for diagnosing malformations in embryos with gene deletions
114th annual meeting, Anatomische Gesellschaft (2019), Würzburg
Reissig LF, Herdina AN, Prin F, Galli A, Geyer SH, Mohun TJ; Weninger WJ
The Col4a2 mouse lina a model for researching autosomal dominant porencephaly
114th annual meeting, Anatomische Gesellschaft (2019), Würzburg
Maurer-Gesek B, Pany-Kucera D, Spannagel-Steiner M. Argeny S, Müller C, Nedomansky J, Gruber J, Wolfgang WJ
Pregnancy adn birth relatioed modifications of the bony skeleton: the anatoic basics
114th annual meeting, Anatomische Gesellschaft (2019), Würzburg
Reissig LF, Herinda AN, Prin F, Galli A, Geyer SH, Mohun TJ, Weninger WJ
Using the Col4a2em1 (IMPC) Wtsi mous line as a model for researching autosomal dominant porencephaly 2
Comulis & BioImaging Austria / CMI Conference (2019), Wien
Geyer SH, Maurer-Gesek B, Reissig LF, Rose J, Prin F, Wilson R, Adams DJ, Mohun TJ, Weninger WJ
Morphology and topology of teh veins of E14.5 embryos
Comulis & BioImaging Austria / CMI Conference (2019), Wien
Herdina AN, Reissig LF, Pruidze P, Kahrovic A, Winkler V, Moghaddam AS, Jovic M. Geyer SH, Meng S, Weninger WJ
Pilot activities for mapping transcriptome information on cells representations of human organs
Comulis & BioImaging Austria / CMI Conference (2019), Wien
Herdina AN; Reissig LF; Rose J, Maurer-Gesek B, Lane JL, Prin F, Wilson R, Hardman E, Galli A, Tudor C, Tuck E, Icresi-Mazzeo C, White JK, Geyer SH, Mohun TJ, Weninger WJ
Data produced in the Deciphering the Mechanisms of Developmental Disorders (DMDD) program for researching rare diseases
RARE2019 (2019), Wien
Kronsteiner B, Ottaviani MM, Andreana M, Oberoi G, Heimel P, Slezak P, Reissig L, Geyer S, Weninger WJ, Podesser BK, Kiss A, Moscato F
Estabishment of a multimodal imaging pipeline to track the course of cervical to cardia vagus nerve
EMBEC (2020), Slovenia
Maurer-Gesek B, Pany-Kucera D, Spannagl-Steiner M, Weninger WJ
The preauricular extension in modern humans and its associated soft tissue
115. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft (2021), Innsbruck, online
Weninger JT, Didava G, Moghaddam AS, Meng S, Weninger WJ, Pruidze P
Langer's axillary arch: a large scale dissection study
116. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft (2022), Berlin
Pruidze P, Weninger JT, Didava G, Moghaddam AS, Rossmann T, Weninger WJ, Meng S
Ultrasound detection of the axillary arch in a prospective dissection controlled cadaver study
116. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft (2022), Berlin
Kuzdas-Wood D, Renner U. Platzer H, Hainfellner A, Weninger WJ
InVitra Integrated virtual and traditional anatomy
116. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft (2022), Berlin
Reissig L, Carrero-Rojas G, Maierhofer U, Moghaddam AS, Hainfellner A, Gesslbauer B, Haider T, Aszmann O, Weninger W, Blumer R
Spinal chord obtained from human body donors is suitable for mulitcolor immunofluorescence staining
116. Jahrestagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft (2022), Berlin
Geyer SH, Przewrocka J, Grönroos E, Prin F, Mohun T, Swanton C, Weninger WJ
Phenotye analysis of Zpf-/- and Zpf +/- mouse embryos based on high resolution episcopic microscopy
MIC Festival (2022), Wien
Przewrocka J, Aoidi R, Vanyai H, Geyer S, Prin F, Boeing S, Scheider-Luftman D, Lana-Elola E, Tybulewicz V, Chew SK, Weninger W, Cody J, Kanu N, Grönros E, Mohun T, Swanton C
Zfp616 deletion leads to upregulation of neuronal programme in cardiomyocytes, bradycardia, and outflow tract defects
Weinstein Meeting 2022 (2022), Marseilles